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vineri, 8 iulie 2011

Romania megalitica, Romania portalurilor spre alte dimensiuni. Azi, Rock of the King! Cetatea Craiului - Valcelul cu Fereastra

The Piatra Craiului Mountains are a mountain range in the Southern Carpathians in Romania. In Romanian "Piatra Craiului" means
"Rock of the King".

The Piatra Craiului mountains form a narrow and saw-like ridge, which is about 25 km long. The highest elevation in the massif is the "Vârful La Om" with 2238 m.

The ridge is regarded as one of the most beautiful sights in the Carpathians. The two-day north–south ridge trail is both challenging and rewarding. Starting at either Plaiul Foii in the north-west or Curmătura in the north-east, walkers climb up to the ridge before following a somewhat precarious path along the narrow spine. The descent at the southern end leads into a karst landscape of deep gorges and pitted slopes where water penetrating the rock has carved a series of caves.

The massif is bordered in the west by the Dâmboviţa Valley which separates it from the Păpuşa massif; in the north-west the river Bârsa and Curmătura Foii separates it from the Făgăraş Mountains and in the east the "Rucăr-Bran Passage" delimits it from the Bucegi and Leaotă mountains. The southern border is the confluence of the valleys of Dâmboviţa and Dâmbovicioara rivers, in the "Podul Damboviţei" depression.

V-am prezentat in imagini, Portalul
Cetatea Craiului - Valcelul cu Fereastra.

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6 comentarii:

  1. Ultima poza este exceptionala!
    Marele "adormit" cu ochii ... larg deschisi! Extraodinar! Ma intreb daca tanara a realizat asta ...

  2. Foarte interesante linkurile!
    Merita vazuta si ... arhiva!

  3. Atentie, nerecomandat ... doamnelor:
    In Muntii Piatra Craiului, i se spune ... Turnul, Obiectul, Santinela, Degetul lui Anghelide ...

  4. Niste poze extraordinare! Tineti-o tot asa! O zi buna!

  5. Iti multumesc, Giafar!
    Dar onoarea si multumirile trebuie DIRECTIONATE catre AUTORII fotografiilor, catre acesti CUTEZATORI AI MUNTILOR, ai unor LOCATII sacre din Romania! Fara acesti oameni, aceste PHOTO EXTRAORDINARE, acest blog nu ar exista!
    Ma rog la Dumnezeu pentru ei!
    Pentru cat mai multe photo!
    Tuturor, multumirile mele!


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