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Locuri sacre - Sacred sites

Considerat o veritabila minune a preistoriei, complexul megalitic de la Stonehenge nu a incetat sa-i uimeasca pe arheologi, care nici la ora actuala nu pot preciza de ce si mai ales cum a fost construit. Ceea ce este si mai straniu e faptul ca in ultimele decenii au fost descoperite, nu doar in vestul Europei, ci si in Africa, Asia si America Latina, constructii similare, cladite nu doar la suprafata pamantului ci, parca pentru a spori misterul si in adancuri…
Despre Silbury Hill cu siguranta multi dintre dumneavoastra ati auzit. Este o colina de forma unui mamelon din calcar si pamant, inalta de aproape 40 metri si veche de patru milenii si jumatate, situata la circa 150 km vest de Londra. Pana nu demult, se credea ca acest tumul megalitic ar adaposti mormantul unei capetenii stravechi sau, potrivit legendelor locale, comorile blestemate ale diavolului insusi.

O serie de sapaturi efectuate la baza tumulului, alaturi de masuratori cu ajutorul radarului si sonarului, au relevat, in sfarsit, adevarul: Silbury Hill reprezenta, probabil, un altar presarat cu dale uriase de piatra, inchinat spiritelor stramosilor si constituind un veritabil „Stonehenge in oglinda”, in sensul ca stalpii de roca nu sunt expusi vederii, ci ingropati in pamant.
„Cimitirul virtual al preistoriei”
Cercetatorii britanici erau de multa vreme preocupati de enigma acestei movile unice in Albion si, in ciuda investigatiilor, ea se incapatanase sa ramana nerezolvata. Tehnologiile ultramoderne le-au permis insa oamenilor de stiinta sa dea verdictul final: in interiorul tumulului de la Silbury Hill nu se afla nici un fel de oseminte umane si nici artefacte realizate de mana omului. In schimb, s-au gasit sute de stalpi de calcar, care aveau probabil semnificatie religioasa, intruchipand spiritele stramosilor raposati – un fel de „cimitir virtual al preistoriei”, cum i-a spus arheologul Jim Leary, unul dintre reprezentantii English Heritage. Aceasta asociatie a demarat recent un proiect in valoare de un milion de lire sterline pentru conservarea monumentului megalitic, aflat intr-o stare avansata de deteriorare, mai ales dupa inundatiile masive din anul 2000, care au distrus o parte a sa.
„Descoperirea zecilor de stalpi din calcar in interiorul monumentului a fost o mare surpriza pentru noi. Data fiind natura religioasa si ceremoniala a movilei Silbury este foarte posibil ca aceste pietre sa fi avut o importanta istorica, reprezentand poate spiritele stramosilor morti”,
 spune Leary. Specialistul britanic mai adauga faptul ca Silbury, dar si monumente din regiune, precum Stonehenge sau Avebury, au fost inaltate intr-o perioada de mari schimbari din preistoria insulelor britanice, care erau supuse unor puternice influente din partea culturilor venite de pe continent. Se pare ca nimeni nu a locuit aici in neolitic, deoarece zona era considerata sacra.

Terry Dobney, un druid modern al regiunii Avebury, in a carui „jurisdictie” intra si monumentul megalitic de la Silbury Hill, este de acord ca „avem de-a face cu un tumul sacru, o efigie a elementului Apa”. Dealul a capatat o forma semisferica intre 2400 si 2000 i.Hr., dar „tuguiul” din varf a fost retezat pe la anul 1000, cand saxonii au instalat aici o fortareata. „S-ar putea ca varful movilei sa fi fost nivelat pe la 1066, chiar in perioada bataliei de la Hastings, ori poate mai devreme, pentru a stavili invaziile vikingilor”, crede Leary.
Eheee ...... avem si noi ceva-ceva in Romania .... dar .... si ce daca ..... Nu intereseaza pe nimeni!
Necropola tumulară de la Şona, jud. Brasov, asteaptă de mii de ani, sa fie cercetată!
Sacred sites are the most loved and visited places on planet earth. Since prehistoric times they have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of pilgrims from every region and religion. These holy places have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, and awaken the soul.

Megaliths - Megaliths of the World:
Megaliths are large stones used in Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments. Megalithic monuments are found around the world, but especially in western Europe. Varieties of megaliths include menhirs (standing stones), alignments (rows of menhirs), dolmens (standing stones topped with a flat stone), barrows (dolmens covered with earth), and henges or cromlechs (stone circles).

Since they are prehistoric, it has been difficult to determine the purpose of these fascinating monuments. However, some were clearly used for burials and others are astronomically aligned.
Callanish Stones
Isle of Lewis, Western Isles, Scotland
Wiltshire, England
Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
Easter Island, Chile
Horca del Inca
Copacabana, Bolivia
Avebury Henge
Avebury, Wiltshire, England
West Kennet Long Barrow
Wiltshire, England
Carnac Stones
Carnac, Brittany, France
Recomand cu caldura acest site-uri:
Sacred sites are the most loved and visited places on planet earth. Since prehistoric times they have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of pilgrims from every region and religion. These holy places have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, and awaken the soul. Anthropologist and National Geographic photographer Martin Gray spent twenty-five years as a wandering pilgrim to study and artistically photograph many hundreds of sacred sites in more than one hundred countries. This web site features Martin’s sacred art photographs and shows the location of sacred places and pilgrimage shrines around the world.
Since prehistoric times, sacred places have exerted a mysterious attraction on billions of people around the world. Ancient legends and modern day reports tell of extraordinary things that have happened to people while visiting these places. Different sacred sites have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, increase creativity, develop psychic abilities, and awaken the soul to a knowing of its true purpose in life. While contemporary science cannot explain - and therefore disregards - the seemingly miraculous phenomena which occurs at the holy places, they continue to be the most venerated and visited locations on planet earth. What is the key to the mystery of the sacred sites and how are we to explain their power?

Explorer-anthropologist Martin Gray has spent twenty-five years as a wandering pilgrim visiting, studying and photographing hundreds of sacred sites in more than one hundred countries. To share his insights and photographs with a wide audience, Martin gives presentations at museums, universities and conferences throughout the United States, South America and Europe. Based upon extensive scholarly knowledge and his own mystical experiences at the sacred sites, Martin offers a fascinating discussion of the mythology and anthropology of pilgrimage places and a radical explanation of the miraculous phenomena that occurs at the sites. Featuring hundreds of beautiful photographs, Martin's slide shows are a magical blend of art, history and travel adventure, shamanism, inspiration and spiritual ecology.

The places illustrated throughout this web site are a selection of those shown in Martin's slide shows. Each of the photographs featured here are accompanied with information on the archaeology, mythology and significance of the sites.
Sacred Destinations

2 comentarii:

  1. Callanish Stones. Local tradition says that giants who lived on the island refused to be converted to Christianity by Saint Kieran and were turned into stone as a punishment. Another local belief says that at sunrise on midsummer morning, the "shining one" walked along the stone avenue, "his arrival heralded by the cuckoo's call." This legend could be a folk memory recalling the astronomical significance of the stones.

    Pana la interpretari stiintifice, si eu cred ca trebuie foarte bine cunoscute legendele locului! Asa ar trebui sa facem si noi in Romania! Sa identificam toti megalitii pe care ii avem - si sunt cert o multime, sa culegem tot ce se stie oral si scris despre acestia, concomitent cu luarea masurilor de protejare prin lege! Admin

  2. Silbury Hill, un Stonehenge in adancuri - o ENIGMA in parte ... dezlegata! Merita citit! Admin


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