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miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011

Karlu Karlu. Devils Marbles. Stone Eggs. Eggs of the Rainbow Serpent. Trovanti in Australia vs Trovanti in Romania

Albii din Australia vad AICI niste bolovani naturali uriasi, din granit,
pe care i-au numit "pietrele dracului", Devils Marbles.
(The Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve is located south of Tennant Creek area of Northern Territory in Australia.The area is located near Wauchope, approximately 114 km south of Tennant Creek, in the Northern Territory.)
Opinia mea este alta: eu vad AICI si in urmatoarele (6 imagini), uriase simulacre, capete umane. Giant Stone Head.

The site is known as Karlu Karlu to the land's Aboriginal traditional owners. The ‘Devils Marbles’ or ‘Karlu Karlu’ with its gigantic, rounded granite boulders, some spectacularly poised, is a remarkable landscape. Scattered clusters of these ‘marbles’, including many balancing rocks, are spread across a wide, shallow valley. The Devils Marbles is a nationally and internationally recognised symbol of Australia’s outback.

Accounts of Aborigines believing the site to be eggs of the mythical Rainbow Serpent are incorrect. In reality many diverse traditional 'Dreaming' stories (none of which are about serpents) intersect at and around Karlu Karlu, hence its great importance as a sacred site. These stories are alive and well and are passed on from generation to generation of Traditional Owners.
Only a handful are considered suitable to tell to uninitiated visitors.

On Tuesday 28 October 2008 ownership of Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles was officially passed from the Parks and Wildlife Service of the Northern Territory back to the Traditional Owners at a ceremony held on the Reserve.
The Reserve is now leased back to the Parks Service under a 99 year lease and the site is now managed by Rangers and Traditional Owners in joint partnership. Visitor access has not been affected.
The Devils Marbles are made of granite,
which surfaces like a little geological island in the desert, surrounded by large amounts of sandstone. The granite was formed millions of years ago as a result of the hardening of magma within the Earth's crust. Thick layers of sandstone on top of it put a lot of pressure on this granite. After the folding of the Earth's crust, which lead to the lifting of the granite and the erosion of the sandstone, the granite came to the surface.
The pressure was gone, letting the granite expand; cracks formed, and it fell apart in big, square blocks.
The second phase of the formation of the Marbles started when the blocks were exposed to water. The surface of the blocks began to decay under the influence of the water, and a layer of loose material surrounded the individual blocks.
When they came to the surface completely, this layer was flushed away by water and blown away by wind.
The rounding of the granite blocks is a result of both chemical and mechanical weathering. Firstly, exfoliation plays a part. Chemical processes cause the surface of the blocks to expand and/or shrink. Thin layers of rock come off the boulder.
This rounds the granite block, because the chemical processes have more effect on areas with edges. These processes cause the rock to look like it is made of layers like an onion. In effect, only the outer few centimetres are affected by chemical weathering.

This process is called spheroidal weathering. Secondly, the boulders are suffering from solarisation. Because the temperature differences between day and night are so great, the rocks expand and shrink a little bit every 24 hours.
This causes some rocks to crack, sometimes even splitting them in half.

Sunt pietre megalitice gigant. Amplasate in teren conform unei stiinte, unor interese demult uitate, pierdute in negura timpului. Sute de tone bucata. Nu cred ca exista in lume macarale atat de puternice pentru a realiza asemenea "aranjamente". Si totusi ... ni se spune ca ... sunt naturale!Izvorate din adancuri! Pietrele ... DA, dispunerea, NU.

Acest "aranjament", oriunde in lume, poarta denumirea de
Si se afirma de catre specialisti ca este o constructie umana.A unor primitivi ... Sigur, eu sunt impotriva unor asemenea opinii.
Constructorii, in opinia mea, au fost cu totul altii.
Mai mult, in cazul Karlu Karlu, sunt in asentimentul băștinașilor, aborigenilor: este un exceptional, extraordinar
Felicitari celor care prin vremuri, au pastrat sacralitatea, celor care azi, fac din acest SITE o emblema nationala, un brand turistic .
Un urias complex megalitic, construit din trovanti.
Trovanti uriasi, gigantici! Unici in felul lor.
P.S.: Pentru "trovantii din Romania", click aici:

TROVANTII din VALCEA ! Un fenomen care fascineaza o lume intreaga, dar nu si pe Ministrii E.Udrea/Blaga! La noi, se fura/vand/bucata!
Trovantii din Buzau. Trovantii din Dealul Feleacului, Cluj. Trovantii, un mister. In tara numita Romania, si pietrele cresc! Sunt vii si ... enigmatice!
Trovantii din Ulmet, Bozioru. Buzau. Tara Luanei, un Univers enigmatic. U.F.O. ! E.T. ! Care de foc! A fost oare si un razboi nuclear?! 
Romania megalitica Trovanţii din Romania sunt unici! Dilema Prof.univ.dr. Murgoci. Am dezlegat enigma acestei denumiri!

4 comentarii:

  1. Da... Multe mostenim din stravechimi si nu stim... Aceasta inestimabila avere se afla peste tot, la indemana noastra... Caci stramosii nostri stiau foarte clar ca ne vom pierde abilitatea de a recunoaste fix locurile cele mai bune pentru diferite stari umane, locuri care faciliteaza dezvoltarea unor puteri, sau a altor puteri, altele care linistesc... s.a.m.d. Au stiut si ne-au lasat aceasta mostenire subtila. Au lasat sculpturi foarte subtile, doar schitate, au dat o simpla creionare, TOCMAI PENTRU A NU SCHIMBA CEVA DIN ORDONAREA LOCULUI... Daca mai târziu, la vremea cuvenita, natura a schimbat ceva - este o rearanjare naturală, şi nu umană, căci omul foarte intuitiv imediat ar simti amprenta de activitate umană. De aceea in intreaga lume ai senzatia ca doar natura a modelat ceva... Scepticii nu ar crede pentru nimic in lume ca acolo este un "semn" menit doar sa atraga atentia, nu schimbe ceva... Multe de spus... toate vor fi spuse !!!


  2. @Cristiana,
    Nume frumos, predestinat! Iti Multumesc mult.
    Sarbatori fericite, alaturi de cei dragi!
    P.S.: Ai reusit sa-mi adaugi la o posibila caracterizare, un atribut de care sunt mandru:
    INTUITIV.Nu te-ai inselat! Am o intuitie peste media comuna! Demnstrata cu probe in timp....

  3. am vazut acum citeva zile citiva pui de trovanti la manastire la sinaia

  4. @karma police,
    Te salut si bine ai venit aici!
    Dar ... ceva poze nu ai facut?
    Promit solemn: le postam imediat!
