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marți, 18 noiembrie 2014

Vajra - the weapon of the ancient gods. Vajra - misterioasa si temuta, teribila arma a zeilor

VAJRA (Sanskrit, Tib. dorje, Jap. kongose, whale. dzingansi, Mong. Ochir) - A symbol of Buddhism, just as the cross - a symbol of Christ Island, a crescent - Islam, the gate "torii"- Shinto.

 Texts define his lyrics. this: Diamond, Thunder Axe, a bunch of lightning crossed, acting as a symbol of the deities of the true teachings of the Buddha. 

 In ind. Vajra mythology was known long before Buddhism as thunderous ax god Indra and other gods.

 Her epithets: copper, gold, iron, stone, with 4 or 100 angles, 1,000 teeth.
Vajra may look the disk and can be cross-shaped.

 She attributed the ability to cause rain and be a symbol of fertility.
In Buddhism, the image of Vajra is that the captured lightning in the middle of the beam with curved ends (known single, double, triple, krestoobr. Variants).

In Sanskrit, the word means both "Lightning" and "diamond".
Vajra is a mace or scepter symbolizes strength and indestructibility.
It can be interpreted as one of the world axis images, recording the impact on the bottom of the upper world.

Originally vajra is an attribute of Indra, the god of thunder.
It is known as the destroyer of demons, led the gods against the asuras. Killer snake Vritra, Indra crushed his fiery club, vajra, beating, so chaos, releasing water, created life and the sun.

Vajra Nepal
Vajra Nepal

Vajra acts as a central symbol of one of the branches of Buddhism — Vajrayana (The name of which is connected with this subject), where it embodies the absolute and indestructible being in opposition to the illusory idea of reality.

Like a bolt of lightning, Vajra makes its way into the darkness of ignorance; like a diamond, it destroys the remaining indestructible.

 Symbolizes masculine, way, compassion, activity; usually kept in her right hand.
Pair vajra Vajrayana is subject to the bellghanta, symbolizes the feminine, fruit, wisdom;it is held in the left hand.

Bell with a handle in the form of the vajra represents the power of faith.
Vajra has five metal rods, four of which, with curved ends in a horizontal plane, are located around the center, forming a kind of a lotus flower.

 Vajra of nine rods, is less common. She is portrayed as a scepter and is an attribute of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Four-point vajra
Four-point vajra
Vajra in the hand of the statue of Buddha
Vajra in the hand of the statue of Buddha

Vajra is used as a symbol and as a weapon in India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Siam, Cambodia, Myanmar, China, Korea and Japan.



Vajra in the hand of the Buddha

Vajra in the hand of the Buddha
Excerpts from the book by prof. Torchinov EA (S-Pb.)
"Introduction to Buddhism — a course of lectures" (lecture 7).

Early in the second half of I millennium BC. e. in Mahayana Buddhism gradually emerges and formed a new direction, or Jan ("Chariot"), known as Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism, and this trend may be the final stage of the development of Buddhism in their homeland — in India.

The word vajra, part of the name "Vajrayana" was originally used to refer to the Indian thunderous scepter of Zeus — the Vedic god Indra, but gradually changed its meaning. (See note. 1.) The fact that one of the meanings of the word "Vajra" — "diamond", "adamant". Within Buddhism, the word "Vajra" began to be associated with one hand, initially perfect nature waking consciousness, this indestructible diamond, but on the other — the very awakening, enlightenment, like a thunderclap or a momentary flash of lightning. Buddhist ritual vajra, just as ancient Vajra, is a type of scepter symbolizing the awakened consciousness, and Karuna (compassion) and upayu (skillful means) in opposition prajna — upaya (prajna and emptiness symbolizes the ritual bell, Connection vajra and bell in the hands of the priest crossed ritual symbolizes awakening as the result of integration (yugannadha) wisdom and method, of emptiness and compassion. Consequently, Vajrayana word can be translated as "The Diamond Chariot", "Thunder Chariot," etc. The first translation is most common.

What can you learn about the "vajra" of modern dictionaries and encyclopedias?
  • Vajra — short metal rod with symbolic analogy with diamond — can cut anything but himself — and lightning — the irresistible force.
  • In Hindu mythology — a gear drive, Thunder Axe Indra
  • Vajra is a magic wand Initiates followers
  • Its forged for Indra singer Ushana.
  • Vajra was forged for Indra Tvashtar
  • It is made from the skeleton sage — hermit Dadhichi.
  • There is a version that originally symbolized the phallus vajra bull.
  • Vajra was associated with the sun.
  • Fourfold or has crossed vajra symbols close to the symbolism of the wheel.
  • Vajra is five bodies Dhyani Buddhas.
  • Vajra means skill or upaya.
  • Vajra symbolizes strength and determination.
  • Vajra symbolizes the male principle, the way compassion.
  • Vajra is interpreted as a sign of fertility.
  • Vajra represents the absolute and indestructible being, as opposed to the illusory idea of reality.
  • Vajra in conjunction with a bell involves merging the male and female nature.
  • Vajra symbolizes the indestructible state.
  • Vajra symbol luminous indestructible nature of mind.
  • Vajra symbol of the power of the Buddha on the evil spirits or elementals.
Wands rulers - the symbol of ancient weapons
Wands rulers - the symbol of ancient weapons
"Cardiology", tate rotation in 3-d shape having a section of the "heart." Domes of the churches have a form cardiology and collected on the basis of the Vajra fasteners.
"Cardiology", a body of revolution, a 3-d shape having a section of the "heart."  Domes of the churches have a form cardiology and collected on the basis of the Vajra fasteners.

"Cardiology", a body of revolution, a 3-d shape having a section of the "heart." Domes of the churches have a form cardiology and collected on the basis of the Vajra fasteners.
Imperial Crown
Imperial Crown
Nordic gods have their own "lightning" of the original design and shape - "Hammer of Thor"
Nordic gods have their own "lightning" of the original design and shape — "Hammer of Thor"
Lightning and ancient symbol of heavenly fire, known around the North European areal Indo — Thunder armor of God — Hammer. The German Donar-Thor Hammer was entitled «Mjolnir». Critics believe the origin of the word "Molnir" unknown. Designed to help them produce its etymology from the Icelandic verb milva (crush), mala (grind), the Lithuanian malti (grind) and the Welsh word mellt (lightning).

 The below coins of different countries of the Mediterranean region, dating from 500 to 200 BC well visible lightning-vajra. Such coins are very, very much, it proves — in the ancient world, without exception capable people knew what it is and understand the importance of this subject.
Fleur de Lys - a stylized image of the ancient weapons of the gods
Fleur de Lys — a stylized image of the ancient weapons of the gods
On the left a picture image of the "Lily" a little old, not the rule. From the book of heraldry Pokhlebkin: "It looks like it is a lily? Lily is so not like the lily, which gave rise to some to believe that this is a special Masonic sign, which should be seen flipping. And then we will see a bee ".
Respected William V. wrote that the image taken by European courts lilies, as a heraldic sign, is Eastern origin, "as a constant, an essential element of ornament, often played on the expensive fabric. It is these tissues, and then the expensive clothes that were coming through the Byzantine Empire from the East to Europe, introduced already in the early Middle Ages, feudal Europe, the main consumers of luxurious fabrics, with a lily. "

Medieval Oriental ornaments with double and quadruple vajra
Medieval Oriental ornaments with double and quadruple vajra
The right image is stylized, with 1179 under Louis included in the coat of arms of French kings and became the main logo stamped French monarchy. Its official name is the French coat of arms coat of arms of the Bourbons — fleur de lys.
The most common medieval motif ornament oriental fabrics was "Vajra", sometimes mistaken for Europeans lily. If you look to the right pattern — clearly see the quad, cross vajra. Who would have thought …
Thus, it appears that Europeans forgetting his "zipper" was a symbol of power east, and even considering weapons gods lily.

Is Mysterious And Powerful Vajra.

One Of The Most Dangerous Weapons Of The Gods?

An unknown, terrible and powerful ancient weapon could have contributed to the collapse of one or several advanced technologically civilizations that existed in the distant past.

Could it be that the mysterious and terrible vajra - a powerful thunderbolt throwing light - was one of such unbelievable weapons?

When in the early twentieth century, people began to understand the unbelievable potential of radioactive decay, they also began to understand that it was not the first time the existence of a radioactive isotope appeared in the history of humankind.

The artifact can be found in many places. This one is in an ancient religious complex atop a hill in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

 This concept was proposed by Frederick Soddy (2 September 1877 – 22 September 1956), an English scientist who in fact, predicted the existence of a radioactive isotope but Soddy also suggested that there was once an ancient but extremely advanced civilization capable of harnessing of energy of nuclear reactions.

  However, due to the misuse of this source of energy, this ancient civilization was almost completely destroyed.

Many of us believe that Mahabharata and the Ramayana are not science fiction works, but the reality ..... Not only did sophisticated aircraft exist such as Vimanas and Vailixi but also existed and were in use terrible nuclear weapons.

Vajra in Buddha's hand

 Did anything of this highly sophisticated ancient heritage survive until today?

Vajra is a Sanskrit word which defies translation because of its numerous meanings, but essentially vajra is an indestructible substance, usually represented by diamond.

Indra - most important god in Vedic religion - is frequently portrayed wielding a powerful thunderbolt - vajra, which in later Buddhism becomes a diamond sceptre, the Vajrayan.
Was Indra's vajra one of his weapons used against enemies like the demon Vritra described as both snake and dragon?

According to early Vedic texts, this demon, also known as the Enemy, had transformed himself into a fearsome "snake" with no less than 99 coils. Unfortunately for local farmers these tremendous coils were blocking up the rivers and streams and causing a great drought.

So horrifying was Vritra that none of the gods dared intervene and it was only Indra who found the courage, to fight the beast with one of his thunderbolts. As we know also Zeus was the bearer of the thunderbolt, wielding his weapon against the powers of darkness.

Zeus, the bearer of the thunderbolt, wielding his weapon against the powers of darkness.

The substance of vajra fully controls devious influences, including heavenly demons and outside ways. The light, which is the characteristic mark of vajra, has the power to break up all darkness, yet protects itself from all destruction.

According to ancient traditions, Vajra itself is a thunder of a thousand blades forged from iron, or gold mixed with bronze or stone.

This powerful device could not only destroy the enemy in form of attacking flying machine, but it also had the ability to cause rain and was a symbol of fertility.

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