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duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Devils Tower, Wyoming, USA. Platforme pentru aterizare-decolare pe verticala a unor aeronave? Lacasuri ale Zeilor? Mistere care strabat mileniile. Enigme demult uitate!

Devils Tower - Turnul Diavolilor – este un monolit solitar care apare brusc pe campia din nord-estul statului Wyoming. Legenda populatiei Kiowa, care a trait în aceasta regiune, spune ca Devils Tower a luat nastere in momentul in care sapte fete, urmarite de un urs fioros, au sarit pe o piatra mica. Aceasta a inceput sa creasca deodata, ferindu-le de ursul amenintator. Dupa catva timp, animalul a murit extenuat silindu-se sa ajunga la fete, insa in timpul incercarilor de a ajunge la ele, a zgariat cu ghearele atat de tare marginea de piatra incat a lasat in urma santuri adanci.                
Devils Tower are o inaltime de 265 m si este vizibil de la o distanta de 160 km.
Devils Tower is a monolith and popular tourist attraction in the state of Wyoming, rising 1267 feet above the nearby Belle Fourche River, with its summit 5,112 feet above sea level. It was declared America's first national monument by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906.
The top of Devils Tower is flat, which is strongly suggestive of having been formed by a flood that submerged it, despite its summit being over 5000 above sea level. The walls are almost perfectly vertical; the top is about the size of a football field.
Chipmunks, snakes and other wildlife live on the top, over 1200 feet above the ground, defying any evolutionary explanation of how or why they originated there.
There are two implausible atheistic theories about the origin of Devils Tower:
  • one theory is that it was formed by molten igneous rock forcing its way into the area's sedimentary rock, cooling before reaching the surface, and the sedimentary rock being eroded away.
  • the other theory is that Devils Tower is the remains of a volcano, though no other evidence of volcanic activity has been found in the area.
Both theories are baseless and absurd because there is no extrusive igneous activity in the area, and there is no evidence of volcanic activity in the area either.
Intelligent design explains the rock well: it is a work of art worth seeing, and does not require fictitious, irrational "explanations" of the origin.
The formation's official name contains no apostrophe due to a never-corrected clerical error.

2 comentarii:

  1. Este de rasul lumii.
    Specialistii o dau in balbaiala, cu privire la formarea "turnului" de piatra, acestui loc sacru atat de venerat de indienii bastinasi si batjocorit de albi! Ce ofensa mai mare ar putea fi ca aceea a numirii unui loc sfant ca fiind al necuratului? Nimic nu va fi uitat, iertat!

    1. FORMA GIGANTICA A TULPINII SEAMANA PERFECT CU SEQUOYA DECI ESTE PIETRIFICAT , BIBLIA -DANIEL 4;11 si 14 TAIATI COPACUL SA RAMANA TRUNCHIUL 265 m tulpina ,,restul? biblia spune in vr. 11 copacul era pana la ceruri deci il acopereau norii
