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vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013

Comori arheologice inestimabile. Artefacte megalitice ciclopice lasate voit prada uitarii, distrugerii. Imprastiate in toata lumea, au suficient de multe elemente comune, necesare unui studiu stiintific unitar. Azi va prezint: 1. Stone of the Pregnant Woman or Stone of the South in Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis), Lebanon. 2. Second monolith. Another, recently discovered, Lebanon. 3. Unfinished Obelisk, Aswan Rock Quarry, Egypt.

3. Unfinished Obelisk, Aswan Rock Quarry, Egypt.
The unfinished obelisk is the largest known ancient obelisk and is located in the northern region of the stone quarries of ancient Egypt in Aswan (Assuan), Egypt. Archaeologists claim the pharaoh known as Hatshepsut sanctioned its construction. It is nearly one third larger than any ancient Egyptian obelisk ever erected. If finished it would have measured around 42 m long (approximately 137 feet), 2.5–4.4 m wide and would have weighed nearly 1,200 tons (1,066,621 kilograms).

This is the famous "unfinished obelisk" at Aswan, Egypt. Though the ancient craftsmen who worked to free the 138-foot (42-meter) monolith from this quarry never finished the job, it remains one of the most astounding monuments in world history. If it had been successfully extracted from the Earth, it would have weighed 1,168 tons (1,060 metric tons), and if it had been successfully raised to its intended pedestal, it would have been the tallest, most massive obelisk in the ancient world. It may be a failure, but it's one of the most dauntless and unforgettable failures in the history of humanity. Check out the next page to see an Egyptian obelisk that did manage to make the long journey to verticality.Image Credit: © Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Corbis
2. Second monolith. Another, recently discovered, Lebanon. 
A second ancient monolith was discovered in the same quarry only in the 1990s. With its weight estimated at 1,242 t, it even surpasses the dimension of the well-known 
Stone of the Pregnant Woman.

The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block, on the assumption that it continues its shape in the hidden parts underground, are:
 19.5–20.5 m length
 4.34–4.56 m width
 4.5 m height
 2.6–2.8 g/cm³ density



1. Stone of the Pregnant Woman or Stone of the South  in Baalbek (ancient Heliopolis), Lebanon.

The monolith is named after a pregnant woman who, as local legend has it, tricked the naive people of Baalbek into believing that she knows how to move the giant stone, if only they would feed her until she gives birth.

The Roman stone block still lies in the ancient quarry at a distance of 900 m from the Heliopolis temple complex. In 1996, a geodetic team of the Austrian city of Linz conducted topographical measurements at the site which aimed at establishing the exact dimensions of the two monoliths and their possible use in the construction of the gigantic Jupiter temple. According to their calculations, the block weighs 1,000.12 t, thus practically confirming older learned estimations such as by the French scholar Jean-Pierre Adam.

The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block are:
 20.31–20.76 m length
 4 m width at base
 4.14–5.29 m width at top
 4.21–4.32 m height
 2.6–2.8 g/cm³ density


Granite Quarry In Aswan Egypt: Two Unfinished Obelisks


Asemenea artefacte de o valoare si importanta inimaginabila, intalnim in multe parti ale lumii. Lumea stiintifica nu doreste sa fie "intoxicata" cu ciclopicele "dovezi", "probe"! Arheologii prefera an de an (de zeci de ani), sa caute cioburi, potcoave de cai morti si alte maruntisuri necesare valoroaselor lor opere stiintifico-literare. Mai putin "istorice"!

Treptat, voi supune "atentiei" pe cele mai cunoscute, ale caror fotografii si cateva date, pot fi gasite pe net.
Nu-mi propun sa fac speculatii, sa spun "ce cred eu"!
Intrebarile, analiza si concluziile, va apartin! 
"EI", trebuie cautati! 
Admin, Romania Megalitica 
Mai mult,aici:
Unfinished Obelisk, Aswan Rock Quarry

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    1. Pai unde puii mei putea exista acest futacios, denumit "Zeul Pulii", decat undeva pe-aici prin zona noastra!
      Eo cred ca Zeul asta Priapus o fo var drept cu Terente al nostru ! M-am uitat la poze pe net, iar asemanarea puletelor este izbitoare ! Numai ca, Terente al nost' o fo mai smeker si si-o tatuat putza cu celebrul dicton „Fut bine și apăsat la cioc” !
