Pagini de interes

miercuri, 19 februarie 2014

Underground Constructions. Subterranean Tunnels. Constructii uriase (tuneluri), in interiorul scoartei pamantului, la adancimi impresionante! Pierdute in negura istoriei oficiale. Timpul nu mai are rabdare! "ISTORIA OMENIRII va trebui rescrisă"! O concluzie sanatoasa! Dar... cine o va face?

TUNEL URIAŞ care leagă două ţări, descoperit de un arheolog:
"ISTORIA OMENIRII va trebui rescrisă"
PUBLICAT, Astăzi, la 21:53 / 18 februarie 2014
        Arheologul german Heinrich Kush a descoperit o rețea de tuneluri, veche de peste
12.000 de ani, care leagă Scoția de Turcia.
Descoperirea este una senzațională pentru că atunci când se vor descoperi mai multe elemente, istoria omenirii va trebui rescrisă, scrie
Descoperirea tunelului uriaș a fost efectuată imediat după ce misteriosul sit arheologic
de la Göbekli Tepe a fost supus unor cercetări amănunțite în 1994.
Arheologul german Heinrich Kush
a văzut că orașul antic este conectat la o rețea impresionantă de tuneluri și în acest fel a început explorarea lor. Concluzia a fost una de excepție, pentru că un tunel sau mai bine spus o imensă rețea de tuneluri traversează întreaga Europă, legând astfel Scoția de Turcia.
Se presupune că aceste tuneluri misterioase au fost săpate cu peste 12.000 de ani în urmă. Acest fapt schimbă radical perspectiva istoricilor asupra neoliticului, pentru că oamenii din acea vreme trebuiau să aibă nu doar unelte speciale, dar și viziune asupra modului de lucru.
Înălțimea tunelurilor este de circa 70 de centrimetri și pe alocuri există anumite zone de depozitare și refugiu. Această rețea imensă, de peste 1000 de tuneluri interconectate, este precum o autostradă din zilele noastre, pe care oamenii din neolitic o foloseau ori de câte ori aveau nevoie.


Extensive Ancient Underground Networks Discovered Throughout Europe
11 June, 2013
(Part 1)
Archaeologists uncovered thousands of Stone Age underground tunnels, stretching across Europe from Scotland to Turkey, perplexing researchers as to their original purpose.
German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kusch, in his book ‘Secrets of the Underground Door to an Ancient World’ revealed that tunnels were dug under literally hundreds of Neolithic settlements all over Europe and the fact that so many tunnels have survived 12,000 years indicates that the original networks must have been huge.
'In Bavaria in Germany alone we have found 700 metres of these underground tunnel networks. In Styria in Austria we have found 350 metres,' he said. 'Across Europe there were thousands of them - from the north in Scotland down to the Mediterranean.
The tunnels are quite small, measuring only 70cm in width, which is just enough for a person to crawl through. In some places there are small rooms, storage chambers and seating areas.
While many believe Stone Age humans were primitive, incredible discoveries such as the 12,000 year-old temple called Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and Stonehenge in England - which demonstrate advanced astronomical knowledge - indicate that they were not as primitive as many believe.
The discovery of a vast network of tunnels suggests that Stone Age humans were not just spending their days hunting and gathering.  However, the real purpose of the tunnels is still a matter of speculation. Some experts believe they were a way of protecting man from predators while others believe they were a way for people to travel safely, sheltered from harsh weather conditions or even wars and violence. However, at this stage scientists are only able to guess, as the tunnels have not yet revealed all their secrets of the past.
You may also like to read Part 1 of my research on Underground Cities and Networks worldwide, as well as Part 2 on incredible discoveries all around the World.
You can read Part 2 here: Discoveries of vast underground networks spanning countries and maybe even continents. - See more at:
You can read Part 2 here: Discoveries of vast underground networks spanning countries and maybe even continents. - See more at:
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Underground cities and networks around the World – Discoveries
(Part 2)
Recently in my article I mentioned how extensive underground networks of tunnels have been found throughout Europe. Here we explore some of the other remarkable underground discoveries that have occurred throughout the world.

Derinkuyu in Cappadocia in Turkey is probably the largest underground city that has been discovered to date. It spans more than 8 levels going as deep as 80 meters with more than 600 entrances to the surface. Although the date the original city was built is unknown, the Turkish Department of Culture dates the city back to the 8th century BC.  It was made by the Phrygians, ancient Indo-European people, who worshiped the “Great Mother”, Cybele, as the Greeks and Romans knew her. The Phrygians developed an advanced culture, famous for its music and the legend of King Midas, a Phrygian King, who turned everything he touched into gold.

Why the city was built is still unknown, but what is known is that it was used by the Christians escaping persecution from the Roman Empire in the 2nd century AD. Cappadocia includes a huge number of underground tunnels and ‘cities’ and more and more are discovered every year.

In Egypt, the Giza Plateau has an enormous underground system that is a combination of manmade caverns and tunnels as well as subterranean rivers and passages. Since 1978 the caverns have been mapped using ground penetrating radar with the explorations led by Dr Jim Hurtak who has supposedly entered massive chambers larger than our largest cathedrals. A few historians believe that the underground cave system in Giza, is the legendary ‘City of the Gods’, the massive underground city described by ancient writers Herodotus (5th century BC) and Strabo (1st Century AD). Herodotus wrote:
There I saw twelve palaces regularly disposed, which had communication with each other, interspersed with terraces and arranged around twelve halls. It is hard to believe they are the work of man. The walls are covered with carved figures, and each court is exquisitely built of white marble and surrounded by a colonnade. Near the corner where the labyrinth ends, there is a pyramid, two hundred and forty feet in height, with great carved figures of animals on it and an underground passage by which it can be entered. I was told very credibly that underground chambers and passages connected this pyramid with the pyramids at Memphis.
Furthermore, he spoke of the discovery of a multi-level megalithic metropolis under Giza that was 15,000 years old.

Many ancient writers supported Herodotus' record of underground passages connecting major pyramids and Lamblichus, a fourth-century Syrian representative of the Alexandrian School of mystical and philosophical studies, recorded information about an entranceway through the body of the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid:
This entrance, obstructed in our day by sands and rubbish, may still be traced between the forelegs of the crouched colossus. It was formerly closed by a bronze gate whose secret spring could be operated only by the Magi. It was guarded by public respect, and a sort of religious fear maintained its inviolability better than armed protection would have done. In the belly of the Sphinx were cut out galleries leading to the subterranean part of the Great Pyramid.  These galleries were so art-fully crisscrossed along their course to the Pyramid that, in setting forth into the passage without a guide throughout this network, one ceasingly and inevitably returned to the starting point.
Since the declassification of the ground penetrating radar, more and more underground systems have been discovered but not yet explored in various places around the world.

During the summer of 1998, cave explorers using scientific equipment were able to confirm that a linked cave system some 15 miles in length exists underground in North Wales.

South and Central America

In Guatemala, 800 kilometres worth of tunnels have been mapped underneath the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal.  Researchers have suggested that this may provide an explanation for how half a million Mayans escaped the decimation of their culture.

In 2008 archaeologists in Mexico discovered eleven stone temples in underground caves including an underground road that Mayans believe that it was the road to the Mythical underworld city known as Xibalba as mentioned in the previous article.

North America
In April of 1909 there was a story in the Phoenix Gazette entitled ‘Explorations in Grand Canyon’ where a man named Kinkaid discovered several hundred underground rooms some of them containing artifacts such as weapons and instruments unknown to native Americans, Egyptian-like hieroglyphics, mummies and a Buddha-like statue.

In 1985 in an article in Search magazine, there was a story by a Naval officer saying that they found underwater tunnels that span several hundred miles.


In 1992, 24 man-made caves were discovered in China, displaying incredible craftsmanship that would have involved the excavation of 36,000 cubic meters of stone. The floor of the grotto was more than two thousand square meters with the tallest point exceeding 30 metres. There are no historical references of the caves and the reason why they were built is unknown.

In 2012 in Italy archaeologists found an underground pyramid shaped vault of Etruskan origins with a series of tunnels starting from that point probably extending deep inside the ground dated before 1000 BC. Carved stairs run down the wall deeper into other tunnels where another pyramidal structure was found.

In Naples, a labyrinth of several miles of tunnels lies below the city, an underground city that spreads below the old town with many myths and legends surrounding them.
In Malta a network of tunnels was found under the historic capital of Malta, Valleta. Myths say that the network of tunnels in Malta even includes underground cities.

Legends of ‘Gods’ building vast underground cities to be protected by events on the surface appear in the myths and legends of multiple different continents from Egypt to America to China.  Could that be the explanation for the thousands of tunnels, caves and underground cities around the world?  It seems to me that further research and exploration is needed to uncover just what these underground networks for used for, why they were built and by whom. Until then, their existence remains a mystery.

You can read Part 1 here.

By April Holloway

Derinkuyu in Cappadocia
Subterranean Tunnels, Underground Alien Bases
Mysterious Tunnels
Admiral Byrd’s Epoch-Making Discovery
Underground Constructions


VIDEO. Ancient Underground City in Turkey 300 feet deep, Reptilians - YouTube
Derinkuyu Underground City is an ancient multi-level underground city in the Derinkuyu district in Nevşehir Province, Turkey. It is on the road between Nevşehir and Niğde, at a distance of 29 km from Nevşehir. With its thirteen floors extending to a depth of approximately 85 m, it was large enough to shelter 30,000 thousands people together with their livestock and food stores. It is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey and is part of a network of several underground complexes found across Cappadocia.


7 comentarii:


  2. Great Pyramid at Giza Vandalized to 'Prove' Conspiracy Theory





  7. I just wanted to know if you know anything about these names for Romania historically: Morcala, Ghanala, Mernala, Renela, Laka, Bala, Ghena, Ghenala, Ginser, The Gitsers, Miss Lock, Senser Inter, Ola , Molak, Enela, Onala, Lava, Merlina, Sennela, Inkener, Morkala, Ursala, Sernala, Merka, Versse, Genersen. They're from something called Romania Underground Lockers. I can't find any more information about it. If not thanks anyway.
