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miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

E ceva foarte enigmatic, foarte interesant. Nu ştim ce înseamnă, nu îi cunoaştem funcţia. Ştim doar că este acolo, că este enorm şi că e ceva neobişnuit! - spun specialistii!

"Nu ştim ce înseamnă. Ştim doar că este acolo şi că este ceva neobişnuit"
O structură arheologică misterioasă de formă circulară a fost descoperită pe fundul unui lac din Israel cu ajutorul unui sonar, informează blogul ştiinţific al publicaţiei franceze Le Monde.
În urmă cu zece ani, în 2003, geofizicienii israelieni cercetau cu ajutorul unui sonar fundul Lacului Tiberiada din nord-estul ţării, un lac cunoscut şi sub numele de Marea Galileei, după denumirea regiunii în care se află. Surpriză: pe ţărmul orientat spre sud-vest, la doar câteva sute de metri de plajă, cercetătorii au descoperit un disc întunecat de mari dimensiuni, având un diametru de
50 de metri.
Era în urmă cu un deceniu. De atunci, nimic sau aproape nimic nu s-a mai întâmplat. Potrivit unui studiu israelian publicat în cel mai recent număr al revistei ştiinţifice semestriale International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, o misiune de cercetare a fost organizată în apele tulburi şi puţin adânci ale lacului, informează blogul.
Cercetătorii au descoperit o structură stâncoasă conică, pe un fundal nisipos. În partea cea mai înaltă a sa, obiectul măsoară 10 metri în raport cu baza, care este cufundată într-un strat de sedimente care are grosimea de 2-3 metri.
Imaginile realizate cu ocazia acelei scufundări arată că structura este compusă din blocuri mari de bazalt. Exceptând forma sa perfect circulară, structura nu are o organizare deosebită şi, de altfel, nicio urmă vizibilă nu indică faptul că pietrele ar fi fost tăiate.
Autorii studiului spun că nu se îndoiesc de faptul că acel tumul a fost construit de om, ţinând cont de faptul că cele mai apropiate straturi de bazalt se află la mai multe sute de metri distanţă. Cercetătorii estimează că structura are un volum de 25.000 de metri cubi şi o greutate de 60.000 de tone. Cercetările s-au oprit în acest punct, din cauza fondurilor insuficiente pentru realizarea unor săpături aprofundate sub apă.
"E ceva foarte enigmatic, foarte interesant. Nu ştim ce înseamnă, nu îi cunoaştem funcţia. Ştim doar că este acolo, că este enorm şi că e ceva neobişnuit", a declarat arheologul israelian Dani Nadel de la Universitatea Haifa, coautor al studiului.
Există totuşi câteva ipoteze, întrucât acea structură nu este singură pe fundul lacului. Malurile Lacului Tiberiada sunt locuite din vremuri imemoriabile şi există mai multe situri arheologice în împrejurimi.
Studiul evocă două ipoteze.
Prima afirmă că acel tumul a fost construit sub apă, după modelul altor aglomerări de pietre care se găsesc în mai multe locuri pe fundul lacului, şi care aveau scopul de a atrage peştii. Problema este că acele aglomerări nu depăşesc patru metri în diametru şi sunt formate din pietre ceva mai mari (maximul 30 de centimetri), nu din stânci.
A doua ipoteză pleacă de la principiul potrivit căruia tumulul a fost construit nu în apă, ci pe teren uscat, într-o epocă în care nivelul lacului era mai scăzut sau lacul era "decalat" geografic în raport cu poziţia lui actuală.
Studiul reaminteşte că regiunea are câteva situri megalitice datând din Epoca Bronzului înzestrate cu structuri circulare, precum situl Rujm el-Hiri, pe platoul Golan, de cealaltă parte a Lacului Tiberiada. În această ipoteză, construcţia ar fi fost apoi "înghiţită" fie în urma unei creşteri progresive a nivelului apei lacului, fie după o afânare a terenului, cauzată de tectonica locală. Siturile preistorice din Ohalo, aflate foarte aproape, au avut aceeaşi soartă.
Autorii studiului consideră că această structură neobişnuită "indică o societate complexă şi bine organizată, dotată cu capacităţi de planificare şi cu mijloace economice însemnate".
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Mysterious Stone Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee
Publicat la 10.04.2013
A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee in Israel has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how long ago it was built.
The mysterious structure is cone shaped, made of "unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders," and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons the researchers said. That makes it heavier than most modern-day warships.
Rising nearly 32 feet (10 meters) high, it has a diameter of about 230 feet (70 meters). To put that in perspective, the outer stone circle of Stonehenge has a diameter just half that with its tallest stones not reaching that height.
Tiberiade Trip ,Lake full  


5 comentarii:


  2. Mysterious Monument Found Beneath the Sea of Galilee.
    June 10, 2013 — The shores of the Sea of Galilee, located in the North of Israel, are home to a number of significant archaeological sites. Now researchers from Tel Aviv University have found an ancient structure deep beneath the waves as well.

    Researchers stumbled upon a cone-shaped monument, approximately 230 feet in diameter, 39 feet high, and weighing an estimated 60,000 tons, while conducting a geophysical survey on the southern Sea of Galilee, reports Prof. Shmulik Marco of TAU's Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences. The team also included TAU Profs. Zvi Ben-Avraham and Moshe Reshef, and TAU alumni Dr. Gideon Tibor of the Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute.

    Initial findings indicate that the structure was built on dry land approximately 6,000 years ago, and later submerged under the water. Prof. Marco calls it an impressive feat, noting that the stones, which comprise the structure, were probably brought from more than a mile away and arranged according to a specific construction plan.

    Dr. Yitzhak Paz of the Antiquities Authority and Ben-Gurion University says that the site, which was recently detailed in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, resembles early burial sites in Europe and was likely built in the early Bronze Age. He believes that there may be a connection to the nearby ancient city of Beit Yerah, the largest and most fortified city in the area.

    Ancient structure revealed by sonar

    The team of researchers initially set out to uncover the origins of alluvium pebbles found in this area of the Sea of Galilee, which they believe were deposited by the ancient Yavniel Creek, a precursor to the Jordan River south of the Sea of Galilee. While using sonar technology to survey the bottom of the lake, they observed a massive pile of stones in the midst of the otherwise smooth basin.

    Curious about the unusual blip on their sonar, Prof. Marco went diving to learn more. A closer look revealed that the pile was not a random accumulation of stones, but a purposefully-built structure composed of three-foot-long volcanic stones called basalt. Because the closest deposit of the stone is more than a mile away, he believes that they were brought to the site specifically for this structure.

    To estimate the age of the structure, researchers turned to the accumulation of sand around its base. Due to a natural build-up of sand throughout the years, the base is now six to ten feet below the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. Taking into account the height of the sand and the rate of accumulation, researchers deduced that the monument is several thousand years old.

    Looking deeper

    Next, the researchers plan to organize a specialized underwater excavations team to learn more about the origins of the structure, including an investigation of the surface the structure was built on. A hunt for artefacts will help to more accurately date the monument and give clues as to its purpose and builders. And while it is sure to interest archaeologists, Prof. Marco says that the findings could also illuminate the geological history of the region.

    "The base of the structure -- which was once on dry land -- is lower than any water level that we know of in the ancient Sea of Galilee. But this doesn't necessarily mean that water levels have been steadily rising," he says. Because the Sea of Galilee is a tectonically active region, the bottom of the lake, and therefore the structure, may have shifted over time. Further investigation is planned to increase the understanding of past tectonic movements, the accumulation of sediment, and the changing water levels throughout history.

  3. Mysterious structure found at bottom of ancient lake.
    (CNN) -- A mysterious, circular structure, with a diameter greater than the length of a Boeing 747 jet, has been discovered submerged about 30 feet (9 meters) underneath the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

    Scientists first made the discovery by accident in 2003 using sonar to survey the bottom of the lake but published their findings only recently.

    "We just bumped into it," recalls Shmuel Marco, a geophysicist from Tel Aviv University who worked on the project. "Usually the bottom of the lake is quite smooth. We were surprised to find a large mound. Initially we didn't realize the importance of this but we consulted with a couple of archaeologists, and they said it looked like an unusually large Bronze Age statue."

    The structure is comprised of basalt rocks, arranged in the shape of a cone. It measures 230 feet (70 meters) at the base of the structure, is 32 feet (10 meters) tall, and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons. It is twice the size of the ancient stone circle at Stonehenge in England.

    We just bumped into it. Usually the bottom of the lake is quite smooth, so we were surprised to find a large mound.
    Shmuel Marco, geophysicist, Tel Aviv University

    Its size and location, say Marco, who also took video of the structure during a scuba dive to examine it, indicated it could have been constructed underwater as a type of fish nursery. However archeologists think it more likely it was built on dry land and later submerged by the lake.

    "From a geophysical perspective, it is also important to the history of the lake, because it means the water level was lower than it was today," says Marco.

    According to Yitzhak Paz, the archeologist who led the study, the fact that the structure is underwater has made it a particularly difficult study.

    "If the site was inland, it would be much easier to investigate. By now we would have excavated, but because it's submerged we haven't yet been able to. It is a much harder process, both physically and financially. It is very expensive to raise support for such an enterprise."

    1. The exact age of the structure has been difficult to pinpoint, but calculations based on the six to ten feet (two to three meters) of sand that have accumulated over the bottom of the base -- sand accumulates an average of one to four millimeters per year -- as well as comparisons to other structures in the region, put the estimate anywhere between 2,000 and 12,000 years old.

      The possible purpose of the structure is even more enigmatic.

      Dani Nadel, an archeologist from the University of Haifa, who partnered on the site, and who has led several prehistoric excavations in the region, notes it shares similarities with communal burial sites, though he's quick to discourage anyone from drawing a definitive conclusion.

      "This is such a huge structure that it truly is something unusual. It could have been a big ceremonial structure, or a ramp. There could have once been statues on top of people in certain rituals. I mean, I'm really going wild here. The truth is we don't know how it was constructed, what its exact age is, how it was used, or how long ago it was used. We have several speculations, but we don't know much except that it's there and it's huge."

      Despite the limitations of examining underwater ruins, Nadel says that once they do raise the funds to excavate, there is a good likelihood that their findings will be more complete than would be possible with a land-based structure.

  4. MULTUMESC tuturor celor care au contribuit la aparitia documentarului: 'Drobeta Turnu Severin - POZE - cea mai veche aşezare omenească stabilă cunoscută în Europa'(texte, poze), precum si celor care-l apreciaza si-l distribuie! Drobeta Turnu Severin este un loc binecuvantat de Dumnezeu, singurul loc la Dunare cu o biserică închinată „Adormirii Maicii Domnului”. Vizionati pagina. \\\click pe imaginea 'castelului de apa' din DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, emblema orasului sau Link-ul din dreapta acestei pagini./// Daca va place, daruiti-l si altora:
