Pagini de interes

vineri, 4 mai 2012

Muzeele Vaticane. Vatican Museums. Vatikanische Museen. Musées du Vatican. Musei Vaticani. Museos Vaticanos. Multi vad, putini pricep, dar sunt toti interesati. (II)

The Vatican Museums (Italian: Musei Vaticani), in Viale Vaticano in Rome, inside the Vatican City, are among the greatest museums in the world, since they display works from the immense collection built up by the Roman Catholic Church throughout the centuries, including some of the most renowned classical sculptures and most important masterpieces of Renaissance art in the world.

Pope Julius II founded the museums in the early 16th century. The Sistine Chapel and the Stanze della Segnatura decorated by Raphael are on the visitor route through the Vatican Museums. They were visited by 4,310,083 people in the year 2007.
The Vatican Museums broke attendance records in 2011 with just over 5 million people.

2 comentarii:

  1. PHOTO nr.5.
    Cea mai ... "tare"/rara "poza"!
    Interesant ar fi un sondaj: ce reprezinta si la ce serveste/a servit? Felicitari, Admin! Asa mai invata [cunoaste] omul, cate una,alta!

  2. Superbe fotografiile, nu le-am mai vazut in alte parti.
