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sâmbătă, 18 februarie 2012

Dovbush Rocks. Skeli Dovbusha. Скелі Довбуша. Ukraine. Carpathian Mountains. Muntii Carpati. Un leagan al civilizatiei si culturii megalitice!

The Rocks of Dovbush is the group of natural and man-made structures carved out of rock at around 980m ASL in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (province) of western Ukraine.

The name of the formations comes from a leader of opryshky movement, Oleksa Dovbush.The rocks are a part of the Polyanytskiy Regional Landscape Park.

Archeological finds point to an existense of a pagan observatory in the rocks around 10-17th centuries BC. In the 10th century the complex became an important fortress and a forpost of Yaroslav Osmomysl in his conflict with the Grand Prince of Kiev.

Dovbush Rocks (Skelі Dovbusha) is located in the Carpathian Mountains on the border of the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk districts near the village of Bubnische. More than a hundred routes on spectacular sandstone formations ranging from 5.7 to 5.13. All lines are bolted, but many cracks could be lead on gear. If trad is the goal, a double rack of cams from fingers to fists, some wide gear, and a set of chocks will get you up most routes safely. For clipping bolts, 15 draws will get you up the longest single pitch route Yura Generator (5.10d). Bring a 60 meter rope with a tagline or double/twin 50 meters ropes.

Dovbush Rocks can be reached from Lviv or Ivano-frankivsk. The easiest options is to drive (100km) from Lviv, passing through Striy, Morshyn, Bolekhiv, to Bubnische. From Bubnische, you can drive or hike to the rocks depending on conditions. On public transportation from Lviv, there is a bus Lviv - Truhanov. Ride to the end of the route, then hike for an hour to the cliffs. Another option, and the cheapest, is to take the train Lviv - Truskavets to the town of Striy. From Striy take a bus, taxi or hitchhike to Bolekhiv, then continuing to Bubnischa. From Bubnischa, hike 30 mins to the cliffs.

The Rocks of Dovbush is the group of natural and man-made structures carved out of rock in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (province) of western Ukraine. The name of the formations comes from a leader of opryshky movement, Oleksa Dovbush. The rocks are a part of the Polyanytskiy Regional Landscape Park. Archeological finds point to an existense of a pagan observatory in the rocks around 10-17th centuries BC. In the 10th century the complex became an important fortress and a forpost of Yaroslav Osmomysl in his conflict with the Grand Prince of Kiev.

After that we go to rocks which are at a height of 670 m. These rocks with heights of up to 80 m stretch with stone labyrinth of 200 m wide and 1 km long among evergreen and broadleaf forest. They are inimitable by their shapes. Pilings of these rocks and stones remind of surprising creatures and cut with deep and always dark ravines, secret passages and paths. These rocks are connected to many historical events and legends. Scientists investigated hand-made caves, slots, stairs, frames and discovered the rocks were used by people as heathen sanctuary at first and as living place and а fortress later in Х сent.

The fortress was included in Carpathian line of defense of Kyivan and Galician Rus’. Later, there was a strong opryshky movement in Carpathians in 17-18 cc, so, by a legend, opryshky used these rocks as a base for their attacks and they hid enormous treasures here.

Inimitable forms of the giant rocks has prepared for the meeting with you for 70 million years (once these mountains were bottom of the storming sea).

Secret gorges, deep pits, concealed subways, secret paths, huge cave premises, monumental rock fortifications, fanciful shapes of stones, labyrinths of giant rocks are waiting for you to conquer your imagination by its primordial monumental and severe beauty.

Un "sacred site" complex!
Infiorator de complex!

4 comentarii:

  1. Orice comentariu e inutil. Totusi, nu exista nimeni pe acolo ca sa restrictioneze accesul retarzilor care dau cu grafitti peste tot?

  2. Romania megalitica Cetateni, Arges, Romania, un alt Complex Megalitic urias, nebagat in seama.
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    Romania megalitica In Corbi, Arges, Romania - Temple, Sanctuare si Altare Megalitice
    Romania megalitica Un urias Complex Megalitic in Corbi, Arges, Romania
    Romania megalitica Gradina Zmeilor, Galgaul Almasului, Salaj, un urias Complex Megalitic
    Citind Arhiva blogului, veti descoperi o multime de similitudini cu "site-uri sacre" din Romania. Q.E.D.!

    1. seamana perfect cu corbii de piatra, in mod clar face parte din constructiile megalitice ale aceleiasi civilizatii pretracice
