Pagini de interes

sâmbătă, 30 iulie 2011

Cheile Dobrogei, un tărâm al zeilor, dincolo de lumea reală. Marcahuasi, Peru? Cheile Dobrogei, Romania!

Cheile Dobrogei , judetul Constanta , Litoral . Se afla pe versantul drept al vaii Casimcea, in judetul Constanta, la aproximativ 45 km NV de Constanta. Sunt declarate rezervatie complexa si teoretic, catarararea este interzisa in zona.

Incepand cu localitatea Mihail Kogalniceanu, unde se gaseste si aeroportul international cu acelasi nume, de-a lungul soselei pana in localitatea Casimcea, se desfasoara frumoasele Chei ale Dobrogei, cu rezervatii care impresioneaza prin varietatea vegetatiei si faunei. Localitatea Targusor adaposteste rezervatia Gura Dobrogei, un obiectiv important din punct de vedere geologic, biologic si speologic.

Peisajele sunt de o frumusete rara - santuri naturale si chei brazdeaza malurile abrupte ale vaii, pesteri sapate in calcar, precum „La Adam” si „Pestera Liliecilor” cu specii de plante deosebite, dar si descoperiri arheologice importante.

Rezervatia este formata din calcare din perioada jurasicului, aici gasindu-se o fauna si o flora de interes deosebit.Calcarele cheilor, reprezinta niste ramasite de atoli, ceea ce justifica forma semirotunda a peretilor. Peretii sunt orientati est/vest si nu au o inaltime mai mare de 40m.

Alaturi de frumusetile naturale, zona este presarata si cu numeroase urme arheologice, in special cele gasite in pesterile presarate de-a lungul Cheilor Dobrogei – resturi de unelte, vanat si chiar urme osteologice ale tipului de oameni care populau aceasta zona in epoca preistorica.

Acces : numai auto pe ruta Harsova sau Constanta (depinde de directia de mers) - Kogalniceanu spre localitatea Targusor (12Km). La jumatatea satului este indicator dreapta, spre Pantelimon. Dupa ~8Km pe camp, apare indicatorul cu "rezervatia Cheile Dobrogei" si drumul incepe sa coboare spre chei.
Perioada ideala : aprilie – iunie, septembrie – noiembrie

Ansamblul Geologic Cheile Dobrogei
LOCALIZARE: N 44.48; E 28.47
ALTITUDINE: min. 15; max. 193
SUPRAFAŢA: 11066 ha

Cheile Dobrogei pot fi accesate de pe drumul national 22 (E87), din dreptul localitatilor Gura Dobrogei sau Palazu Mic, pe traseele Gura Dobrogei (sau Palazu Mic) – Casian – Cheia - Targusor, sau Gura Dobrogei – Targusor – Cheia. O alta directie de acces este dinspre sud, din localitatea Mihail Kogalniceanu (situata pe drumul national 2A/E60), pana in localitatea Targusor (13 km), de unde se pot urma traseele descrise.


“Colossal Stone Monuments of Markawasi Marcahuasi”
 Known as a place existing outside of the boundaries of time, the Markawasi Stone Forest rises majestically 12,800 feet above the world on the western Andean ridge; lying at its base along the Pacific coastline is the city of Lima, Peru. Punctuating the ancient landscape of this three-mile long, tabletop mountain are massive carved effigies, including curious replicas of unknown human races and long-extinct animals. Among the effigies may be found mind-boggling images of winged sphinxes, elephants, camels, and animals which are unknown to this age and continent. With its sixteen carved faces of the Races of Man, the massive Monument to Humanity stands out as the most spectacular and prominent structure, dominating the landscape. There are many important facets of Markawasi, all pieces of an incredible, complex puzzle.
For the ancient healers, a rich pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants, the bounty of the mesa, provided remedy of physical and spiritual ailments. Twenty-two energy vortexes, called “cruzes”, or crosses, carved in stone, each having a specific healing power, are easily visible on the plateau and have an undeniable energy that can be felt without any special preparation or sensitivity; spontaneous cases of healings have been reported. From the mountain the landscape diminishes into the distance, calling attention to the abysses and plummeting stairways, shrouded in mist. On clear nights, the stars descend so close that one could nearly touch them.
Daca analizezi mii si mii de imagini, cuvintele se golesc de sens.
Ramai inmarmurit.
Fie NATURA este Marele Arhitect, fie candva in negura timpului, a existat o
CIVILIZATIE pe care nu o intelegem, ori o ignoram.
Cheile Dobrogei, Muntii Macinului ar fi un punct de plecare, de referinta in dezlegarea unor uriase si enigmatice artefacte. Pacat ca nu incercam.
Noi, din nefericire, le distrugem.

11 comentarii:

  1. Ma doare sufletul cand vad cum comori nepretuite sunt lasate de izbeliste. Este strigator la cer ca " amfiteatrul zeilor ", Cheilor Dobrogei, este brazdat de santuri. De ce oare suntem asa cum suntem? De ce oare nu putem fi altfel? Unde sunt amenajarile aducatoare de bani? Multi, foarte multi bani! Ce a mai ramas din conceptul "romanul este gospodar"?

  2. Se cheltuie milioane euro, miliarde lei pe tot felul de sindrofii, proiecte de rasu'plansu', si nu se gasesc bani de "administrare" (investitie recuperabila pe termen scurt), a unor LOCATII SACRE, puncte de referinta nu numai pentru Romania, chiar ale PATRIMONIULUI CULTURAL UNIVERSAL. Dar toate astea ... nu intereseaza. Daca nu se pot fura, vande imediat, nu prezinta interes! P.S.: Reamintesc tinerilor, plini de adrenalina: cataratul pe aceste stanci sacre, este INTERZIS! Pastrati pentru generatiile viitoare, ceeace voi nu sunteti in stare sa valorificati inteligent!

  3. Bani pentru ce ? Pai nea Vasile, arheologii romani nu au avut 500 de dolari sa determine vechimea scrierii de la Tartaria. Au rugat niste americani sa o faca . Asa ca ceea ce ceri tu depaseste cu mult posibilitaile frunzei mitice .

  4. Nu credeam sa existe ceva atat de frumos in Dobrogea. Si o observatie rautacioasa: ai nostri se duc cu masinile acolo (probabil si cu gratarelul si berea) in timp ce in Peru se duc pe magari, pe jos si cu cortul in spinare! Diferenta dintre profan si sacru ;)) Pai ce, la camp (ma rog, la podis) nu se poate face drumetie? Se poate, dar ajungi mai repede cu masina :P

    1. in Peru se duc cu cortul pentru ca locul ala e promovat ca atractie turistica!
      la noi? Promovare zero! Asa ca ce vezi in poze sunt numai cocalarii locali, pe care-i doare in cot de valoarea geologica si istorica a locului!
      Eu sunt o persoana care iubeste natura si Romania, si nu stiam de Cheile Dobrogei pana acum. Promovare zero!

  5. Am fost la Cheile Dobrogei si am incercat ruta Kogalniceanu, Targusor Cheia.
    In Tagusor, cam pe la jumatatea satului, exista, acuns in frunzele unui pom, PE PARTEA STANGA a drumului, un indicator rutier spre Cheia 8 km. De acolo drumul este OK.
    Am ajuns tarziu si dupa ce am trecut prin chei, facand cateva poze, am ajuns la Cheia.
    Pe harta, din Cheia poti ajunge la Cogealac. Din Cogealac spre E87 pentru a ajunge la Constanta exista un drum plin de gropi.
    Daca puteti evitati-l!!!
    A doua zi am revenit la Cheile Dobrogei din Sacele, pe un drum pietruit, mult mai bun ca cel din ziua precedenta.
    Drumul din Sacele pana la Gura Dobrogei nu are indicatoare, dar se merge bine.
    Am traversat E87 si am continuat drumul pana la Gura Dobrogei. Un cioban ne-a spus ca drumul spre Casian este mai rau, decat spre Targusor, asa ca, i-am urmat sfatul; tot pietruit, dar am ajuns cu bine.
    Stiam deja de indicatorul ascuns in pomul din Targusor, asa ca de aici, totul a mers bine.

  6. "Our discoveries were made like this: observing rocks near where thousands of people lived, but they didn't see them because they lacked faith in the magic world and in the works of art left by a former humanity which created and respected this world and produced these incomparable works of art , but left no signature. The artistic work was the rhythm of life, like heartbeats, or breathing, or walking on this earth. It was a work of magic.”
    “… the carvings and the sculptures made in the natural rock , to be seen from a point of view or a certain direction , and in conditions of special lighting , give credit to a style that could only be expressed by men of profound pantheist faith. The technique of these sculptors has not been repeated in subsequent history . These works are found in different places on earth, very removed from one another, repeating the same symbols , and with one thing in common : they are found around sacred mountains , temples of lost humanity, so they won't be forgotten and that they may serve one more time to purify and save humanity."
    ( "Marcahuasi The Story of a Fantastic Discovery" - Dr. Daniel Ruzo)

  7. The " monuments repeating the same symbols " are found in Tepotzlan and Guanajuato, Mexico; Rio de Janeiro and Vila Velha in Brazil; Lake Titicaca, San Cristobal and Los Angeles in Peru; Stonehenge and Avebury in England; The Sacred Valley of the Kings in Egypt; the Carpathian mountains in Romania ; and Kakadu National Park in Australia to name a few.

    Ruzo's study of Marcahuasi took him to several countries in search of similar prehistorical sculptures. In 1954 he visited Cuzco , Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu in Peru , and Tiahuanaco , Bolivia . With Edith Germ of Paris in 1959, Ruzo discovered that the Fontainebleau forest also containes ancient sculptures. He visited Stonehenge and Averbury in 1959 as well, and learned that during certain times of the day the megaliths could be seen decorated with the same type of sculptures as found in Peru , Mexico , Brazil , France and in European museums. In Egypt , 1961, Ruzo found a high granite wall covered in ancient sculptures behind the Temple of Thebes . His 1968 expedition to Romania lead him to the discovery of more sculptures in the Carpathian mountains and he made a documentary video that won two awards in Germany . These sculptures fascinated Ruzo as they have a style different from all other known sculptured works:
    “I searched the mountains of the five continents from our planet.In the Carpathians mountains I found it unique monuments proving that on this places existed a great civilisation.”

    “The Carpathians mountains are into a region of the world which situate of the European Center of the oldest culture known in our days.” (Daniel Ruzo)

  8. The stone sculptures appear around the world; including Brazil, Mexico, England, France, Easter Island, Egypt, and Romania. Ruzo discovered that all places which have these unique stone sculptures also host ancient subterranean caverns. Depending on the time of day and the time of year, in the light of the sun, the moon, or the stars, even in shadow, that different sculpted images can be seen, even in the same monument. You may be looking at a profile of a human face in the morning, then, in the afternoon as the sun changes its position in orbit, that profile morphs into another human face.Step several feet to the right or left and that carved image may now look under a new aspect.
